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Strain info: 3.5 gram per order. 

Chiesel, not to be mistaken for Cheesel, is a 60% sativa-dominant hybrid. It’s total THC potency averages around 15 percent with little to no CBD. The story goes that somewhere in the Mediterranean, a man by the name of Big Buddha had a brilliant epiphany to cross 2 quintessential strains: his own Big Buddha Cheese and a Soma NYC Diesel male. As it is told, the NYC Diesel male was gifted to Big Buddha by Soma himself. Chiesel is a great mood enhancer: when medicating, it uplifts, energizes, and brings about a general sense of euphoria. It is a great plant for anyone suffering from depression, chronic pain or dealing with a lot of stress. On the downside, it can make a user feel spacey and tends to produce a bit of cotton mouth. Its scent is characterized with distinct notes of cheese and diesel with a subtle grapefruit undertone. On the palate it tastes just like it smells. The plant typically resembles long finger-like leaves and dense buds with a creamy-amber hue. This strain will surely leave a funky, pungent aroma behind when smoked. It’s great for walks in the wilderness or adventuring around the city. Chiesel can be a bit tempermental if over-fed or over-heated. It has a fairly fast flowering time, ranging from 8 to 10 weeks, making it a desirable sativa to cultivate indoors. For outdoor, it typically harvests at the beginning of November.



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